Counsellors Southwest CIC

Counselling in Devon

Who are Counsellors Southwest?

Counsellors Southwest is a Community Interest Company set up in 2010 by a dedicated group of primary care counsellors. Initially we were commissioned by Devon NHS to deliver Counselling/Psychotherapy. This is in line with the NHS ethos that help should be free at the point of use. Therefore, there is no fee for your counselling. From 2023 we have been commissioned by the Devon Mental Health Alliance and we now work in collaboration with them to broaden the reach and fill the gaps in mental health services across Devon.

Our team is made up of a range of counsellors from students on placement, qualified counsellors and highly trained and experinced, counsellors - many with specialist skills. As an organisation we adhere to the guidelines and ethics of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) and our counsellors are all members, or accredited with, the BACP or an equivalent professional body. Our counsellors abide by a code of ethics, undergo regular supervision and continue to add to their knowledge and keep their training up to date.

As CSW is a training organisation you may be asked if you would be prepared to see a final year diploma student.



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