Counsellors Southwest CIC

How Can I Access the Service?

Referrals can be made by many health professionals - Social Prescribers, Wellbeing Coordinators, Recovery Practitioners etc. - but the usual route would be through your doctor. Once we have received your referral we will send you a letter requesting that you fill in and return an “opt- in” questionnaire. If this questionnaire is not returned we will assume that you do not wish to use the service. If you have sent this back in,  in your counsellor will contact you when an appointment becomes available, this could take place at your surgery or at another local NHS setting.

What happens when I see a CSW counsellor?

Counselling normally consists of an initial contract of 6 sessions of 50 minutes each. Due to the demand on the service, if an appointment is not attended without prior notice, your counselling place may then be offered to the next person on the waiting list.

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